441 Global Marketing

Management & Marketing

Approved course information last updated: 7 months ago

Pre-requisites: MGTMKT 220 MGTMKT 330

Requisite To: None

Lab Session:

Course Description

This course provides an overview of the international marketing practices that are used to meet the demands of world markets. The marketing principles concepts will be applied in this course but from a global perspective. Generally, this course describes the problems and decisions facing managers in global markets. Moreover, this course provides several methods for evaluating global marketing environment elements and the available approaches for entering foreign markets.

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)
  • 1. understanding international marketing issues, definitions, and terminologies.
  • 2. being aware of the economic, cultural, political and technological differences among international markets.
  • 3. understanding problems and decisions facing firms with foreign operations lg1 – lg3.
  • 4. understanding ethical/unethical business issues in the global markets.
  • 5. applying market segmentation schemes in international markets.
  • 6. understanding marketing planning and strategies in global markets based on global market analyses. this includes applying the 4ps in global markets lg1 – lg2.
  • 7. understanding the tools used for selecting foreign markets lg1.
  • 8. understanding the available approaches for entering foreign markets.
Syllabus History
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    Needs Improvement


    • Program Learning Goals (PLGs)
    • Mapping of CLOs to PLGs

    Submitted by: samar.baqer

    Validated by: samar.baqer

  • Approval Needed

    Submitted by: dalal.ahmad

    Validated by: dalal.ahmad

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    Needs Improvement Updated


    • Mapping of CLOs to PLGs

    Submitted by: samar.baqer

    Validated by: samar.baqer

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    Needs Improvement


    • Mapping of CLOs to PLGs

    Submitted by: samar.baqer

    Validated by: cmu1cba