301 Economic Development


Approved course information last updated: 1 year ago

Pre-requisites: None

Requisite To: None

Lab Session:

Course Description

Economic development is the process of gradual improvement in the material well-being of individuals. At the macro level, development economics studies why some countries have high standards of living, while others do not. At the micro level, development studies the functioning of markets in low-income countries, with the ultimate goal of addressing market failures and lifting individuals out of poverty. So, the course examines the relationship between economic development and other important socio-economic topics like growth, poverty, migration, demographic change, inequality and income distribution, environment, health and education and international trade. This course identifies the reasons for failure in most third world countries and discusses transition economies. Finally, this course includes an analysis of economic development policies.

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)
  • 1. understand of the economic development theory and analytical tools that can be used in decision-making process.
  • 2. use analytical skills through integrating knowledge of economic development problem, identify their relationships, and formulates them into planning model to which decision making tools can be applied.
  • 3. use economic models to isolate the relevant elements of an economic development problem, identify their relationships, and formulates them into a planning model to which decision making tools can be applied.
  • 4. select the right economic development variables and tools in order to determine optimal solutions to development plan problems.
Syllabus History
  • Compliant

    Submitted by: MOHAMMAD.ALAWIN

    Validated by: MOHAMMAD.ALAWIN

  • Compliant

    Submitted by: MOHAMMAD.ALAWIN

    Validated by: MOHAMMAD.ALAWIN

  • Approval Needed

    Submitted by: reyadh.faras

    Validated by: reyadh.faras

  • !

    Needs Improvement Updated


    • Mapping of CLOs to PLGs

    Submitted by: reyadh.faras

    Validated by: reyadh.faras