Beyond 18th June 2020


  • Coordination at the Kuwait University level through participation of Dr. Zainal and Dr. AlMarzouq in the KU Distance Learning Committee
  • ERT starts handover of monitoring and preparation responsibilities to academic departments
  • Improve CheckIn system to show results specific to academic departments
  • Interim Dean announces to department heads the need for faculty to complete the CheckIn process to access actual preparedness of CBA for distance learning.


  • Completion of ERT handover of responsibilities to academic departments
  • Completion of more than 14 training workshops for students, faculty, and CBA admins in both Arabic and English languages.
  • 77 of 126 faculty teaching in Spring 2020 have completed Checkin, which represents 61.11%.
  • 1590 from 2966 students complete the Checkin process which represents 53.6% of enrolled students
  • More than 95% of faculty have successfully participated in departmental meetings using MS Teams.

The following figure shows progress by comparing week 3 to week 1 status of faculty:

Risks and Challenges

  • Academic department privacy issues related to Checkin
    • Resolved by showing only results to heads for their department only
  • Still waiting on guidance on how students should be evaluated from KU
  • Detailed tracking of faculty preparation is no longer under the control of ERT and results are likely not reliable, will rely on CheckIn system to assess preparedness of CBA
  • Special needs students will represent a significant challenge in distance learning
  • A significant number of students are not responsive to our campaigns to prepare for distance learning