Department Checklist

AoL Department Preparation Checklist

  1. Review and forward revised CBA competency goals (attached) to all faculty in department
  • The competency goals reflect CBA’s strategy and should be the focus of teaching collaboration and curriculum improvement over the next 5 years
  • Please collect any comments for improvement or updates to be shared in the next College Academic Affairs Committee (CAAC) meeting.
  1. Check that the ALL core business courses المقررات المشتركة have standardized syllabi
  • Please see the steps for standardizing syllabi
  • While the immediate need is to standardize the core courses, we highly recommend departments also follow through with standardizing the syllabus for all other courses in their department.
  • Attached with this packet are the current copies of syllabi shared with CMU for your reference, please share with CMU any updated syllabi as part of the standardization effort.
  1. Review and update attached curriculum map to reflect latest course learning objectives
  • This step must be performed after standardizing syllabi for core courses and completing the mapping table as described in the guide to drafting CLOs
  • Communicate to CMU any changes to curriculum map
  • Ensure that mapping type (Intro, Reenforce, and Apply) is reflected correctly.
  1. Review attached assessment plan for your information
  • Faculty and academic committees members especially should be aware of the process. Information will be made available on CMU website as well.
  • Please collect any comments for improvements of updates to be shared in the next College Academic Affairs Committee (CAAC) meeting.
  • If your department doesn’t have a course that will be used for assessment this doesn’t mean you cannot participate in AoL
    • You will be contacted after each assessment with results and suggestions for ways to improve, please suggest means by which you can help address the issue from your department
    • Curriculum map shows which skills you can affect with the core courses in your departments, when considering solutions think how you might update your course learning objectives, course contents, or teaching methods to address deficiencies in the learning process
    • Please contact CMU to learn how you can contribute to the process if that is not clear or if you need any consultation in your academic committee meetings.

Deadline to complete this checklist is the end of the 2nd week of classes in Spring 2021 semester.

  • Please note delays will delay the AoL process by a semester.
  • CMU is here to support you, do not hesitate to contact us or inviting us to academic committee meetings for consultation and support