Approved course information last updated: 2 years, 10 months ago
Pre-requisites: None
Requisite To: None
Lab Session:
This is an advanced course in public economics designed to discuss further both the theory and empirical evidence of the government interventions in a market economy. A strong emphasis is given to modern ideas on public policy assessment and evaluation using experimental data and tools. we will advance the economic modelling of externalities, public goods, and public policy further, apply the models in important areas for mena, gccs and kuwait and test their adequacy in highlighting several questions. The theoretical part provides an in- depth review of modelling economic efficiency, market and government failure, public goods and externalities. It also introduces the students to several experimental tools for policy impact assessment. the empirical part reviews the goals and achievements of public policy in the state of kuwait. We extend our analysis to topics on public expenditures and social programs. We discuss the theory of optimal income taxation before we extensively study taxation, education, and health economics in the arab world. We also look at countries experiences in the design of income maintenance programs and the design of public policy in dynamic settings.
- Clo1. acquire a sufficient understanding of factors and processes contributing to state intervention in markets
- Clo2. model and analyze the economy/state interactions using microeconomic modeling
- Clo3. understand the equity issues involved in state interventions
- Clo4. understand how economics can contribute to the design and evaluation of public policies
- Clo5. understand the limitations of economic approaches to state interventions and the role of wider social