CMU Update

Spring 2022


  • Academ
  • Teaching Excellence Program
  • CMU Website



  • Software to track faculty achievements
  • Generates standardized CV (Arabic/English)
  • Generates AACSB reports
  • Future potential

Academ Data Entry

Joint Task:

  • IAAU
    • Class and committee participation
  • Faculty member
    • Publications and other information

Academ Faculty Checklist

One Time

  • Get credentials
  • Update/check personal information


  • Add newly accepted publications
  • Add new professional experience

Academ Demo

Get credentials from Danah

What’s Missing?

  • Data
  • Complete journal ranking/impact
  • Dashboard widgets (We are still figuring the system out)

How Can You help?

  • Publish impactful research!
  • Keep your information up-to-date
    • Email IAAU if you have to
  • Encourage your colleagues to do the same

Peer-Review Teaching Excellence Program


  • Goal: Instructional continuous improvement
  • Peer-review based in-class feedback
  • Voluntary and confidential
  • Student feedback not effective
  • Suggested by visiting PRT

The Process

  • Faculty are paired asymetrically
    • Evaluator and evaluatee
  • Evaluator makes 2 in-class visits
    • Around 4th week
    • Around 10-12th week
  • Benefit goes both ways!

The In-Class Visit

  • Writes confidential feedback (strength, weaknesses and recommendations) based on:
    • Observations
    • Student feedback (Evaluatee should leave class)
  • Feedback discussed with evaluatee
    • Must remain confidential
  • CMU should be notified of visits to track statistics
    • PRT likely to discuss the experience with participants

How to Participate

  • Option 1: CMU to coordinate
    • Signup and we pair you
  • Option 2: Coordinate at the department level (My Preference)
    • Report to CMU

What to Report to CMU

  • Name of evaluator and evaluatee
  • Dates of in-class visits (should be 2)
  • Feedback on the process
    • Was teaching improved as a result of the process?
    • What worked? what did not?
    • Lessons learned?


  • We don’t need the details, just to know whether the results are favorable or not
  • Details must remain confidential between the peer-review pair
  • Likely to share your experience with PRT

New CMU Website

Thank You