Frequently Asked Questions

General information about Microsoft Teams

What is Microsoft teams?

Microsoft Teams is an application/website that can be used for online collaboration, meetings. Also, you can use Microsoft Teams to give lectures and communicate with students, give assignments and quizzes. Here is a quick video

Are there videos that tell me more about Microsoft Teams?here are many videos on the internet that explain Microsoft Teams. Please visit Microsoft Teams YouTube channel
Who has access to Microsoft Teams?All faculty and students at Kuwait University have access to Microsoft Teams.
What can I use Microsoft teams for? There are many applications for Microsoft Teams that include: managing project, organizing meetings, allowing teams to share and remotely work with each other. As for education, you can use Microsoft Teams to give lectures, administer classes, give homework and quizzes, and interact with students. You can also use Microsoft Teams to work with other faculty: working on a research project or even working on a unified exam.

How to access Microsoft Teams

Who has access to Microsoft Teams?All faculty and students at Kuwait University have access to Microsoft Teams.
What can I use Microsoft teams for? There are many applications for Microsoft Teams that include: managing project, organizing meetings, allowing teams to share and remotely work with each other. As for education, you can use Microsoft Teams to give lectures, administer classes, give homework and quizzes, and interact with students. You can also use Microsoft Teams to work with other faculty: working on a research project or even working on a unified exam.
How do I login to Microsoft Teams? What username and password should I used? You need to use your Kuwait University email address ( for faculty, and for students) and use the same password you use for your email (or KU Portal).
How can I access it? On the computer, and on my Mobile phone.There are many options to access Microsoft Teams that includes: From your browser, visit Or install the application on the computer or on your mobile device/tablet. Please visit the Teams website to install.
How can I change the picture on my profile? Click on the picture on the top right of the page, then select ‘change picture’ and upload another picture.
Which browsers can I use?Microsoft Teams currently supports Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
How do I log out of Microsoft Teams?Click On the picture on the top right of the page, then select ‘sign out’

Teams, Channels, and Tabs

Is there a quick video on teams and channels?Yes, here is a quick video.
What is a team?A Team is made up of people, files, content, meetings. So, within Kuwait University, you will have a team for every class you teach. The people in each team will be yourself and your students. within that team, you will have all your class lectures, PowerPoint slides, projects, quizzes, and conversations with your students.
What is a channel?A channel is where most of the work is done. Each team has a general channel that includes general information. To better organize your content, you create channels. For example, for your class you can create a channel called project, where it will only include files and conversations related to the class project. You can also create channels based on class subjects. You can have as many channels as you like. Channels are public for all team members to view and participate in. Here is a quick video about channels.
What is a private channel?A private channel is a channel that is only viewed by selected members of the team. For example, for your class you can have group projects. You can create a private channel for each group, and only allow that group access to that channel. Here is a quick video about private channels.
How can I create/rename/delete a team?To create a new team, you need to log into Microsoft Teams, and click on the ‘Join or create team’ button, then select ‘Create Team’ and select the team type that you need. Here is a quick video. To rename or delete a team, click on the ‘three dots’ next to the team, and select the appropriate option.
What is the difference between “edit team” and “manage team” settings? Manage team includes many options about the team.
What is the General channel?The general channel is the default channel created for each team. It includes all the general information/files/conversations within that team.
How can I create/rename/delete a channel?To create a new channel, you need to log into Microsoft Teams, select the team, click on the ‘three dots’ and select ‘Add channel’. Here is a quick video. To rename or delete a channel, click on the ‘three dots’ next to the channel, and select the appropriate option. Here is a quick video
Who has access to my channel?A channel is accessible by everyone within the team. If it is a private channel, then it is only accessible by specific members of the team.
What are tabs? What are they used for?Within each channel, you can create specific tabs for different types of files or tools. Here is a quick video.
How can I create/rename/delete a tab?Here is a quick video.
What types of files I can put on Microsoft Teams?You can put any files of any type on Microsoft teams.
What is a conversation? Is it the same as a chat?The conversation is a space where you can post announcements to your team members. Everyone in the Team/Channel will be able to see the conversation and interact with you. A chat is a private conversation with a specific team member. Please see this video for an explanation of conversations and chats.

Using Microsoft Teams for classes

How do I create a class?You can just create a new team for each of the classes that you have right now. We are working with the Kuwait University IT department to see if they can add the teams and the students as members of these teams automatically.
What is the privacy level of the class?Only team members can access the team. Based on this, your class team should only include your students as members.
How do I add students/Faculty/TAs to my class?Click on the ‘three dots’ next to the team or private channel, and select ‘Add member’, then enter the email address of the student/Faculy/TA. keep in mind, that we are working with Kuwait University IT department to have students added automatically.
If I'm teaching more than one section of the same course, should I create one team for all sections or a separate team for each section?You can choose whichever way that suits your needs. If the course contents such as presentations, assignments, and quizzes are unified among different sections, then it could be more convenient to create only one team for all sections of the same course. Remember in this case all class meetings will be viewable by all students from all sections. On the other hand, if course contents vary across sections then you probably should create multiple teams for the sections.
Can I give students assignments or quizzes?Yes. you should have a tab on your team that is called assignments. If you click on this tab, you will see many options on how to give students an assignment or a quiz. Here is a quick video.
How do I display grades for my students?There are built-in mechanisms for Microsoft Teams to grade assignments and quizzes and display grades. we will be creating a video/workshop at a future date.
How do I share files with my students?You can use the files tab to share files with your students. You can also include attachments to any of your posts in conversations.
What happens to a class after the semester is over?When the semester is over, you should archive the team. This means that all of the team and content will be saved, but frozen (it can’t be changed).
Can I reuse content from one class to another?Yes. you can use content from other classes and archived classes to be used again. See this quick video.

Interacting with Students on Microsoft Teams

Can students ask questions on Microsoft Teams?Yes. They can either ask a question with a conversation (everyone on the team sees it) or send the instructor a private chat.
How do I send all students a message?The faculty should use the conversation text field of the general channel to send an announcement to everyone.
How do I send a specific student a message?The faculty should use the chat feature to send a specific message to a student.
Can students collaborate on a project using Microsoft Teams? Yes. The faculty should create a private channel for each group. Each group would have its own private space and the faculty can oversee their work.
How can I get a student’s attention in a conversation?Can I also mention specific students by putting the @ symbol before their names. Again, this will also be seen by all team members.
Can I create groups for students within Microsoft Teams?Use a private channel.
How can I delete a conversation?Please see this video for an explanation of conversations and chats.
How can I have office hours online through Microsoft teams?You can have a meeting, where students can join the meeting if they have questions. Or you can just be available for conversations/chats with your students.
Can I make one-on-one video or audio calls?Yes. You can click on the ‘Calls’ icon on the left side of the screen and select the student.

Lectures on Microsoft Teams

What is the difference between a meeting and a live event?While a meeting is meant for class and collaboration with students, a live event is meant to be more like a presentation style meeting. In a meeting, students can talk and ‘raise their hands’, share their files or input. On the other hand, in a live meeting the attendees are just participants; they cannot talk or show their videos/work.
What are team meetings?A meeting within an educational context is basically like an online lecture.
How do I schedule a meeting on Microsoft Teams?Please see this quick video.
Can I invite a guest outside of KU into a meeting? No. Only team members of a team can join a meeting. In this case, they are all KU students.
How can I give a lecture on Microsoft Teams?Here is a quick video on having a meeting/lecture.
Can I record a lecture on Microsoft Teams?Yes. During a meeting, you can select to record a class lecture. After recording the meeting, it will be saved on Microsoft teams, and anyone can view the meeting at a later time. Here are two quick videos, here and here
How can I take attendance of my students during a lecture? You can download the complete list of students that joined the lecture including the time they joined and left. More details can be found here. If you do not have this feature, please contact
Can students record a lecture on Microsoft Teams?Yes.
How can I show a video/PowerPoint/Word/Any Application while I am on a lecture on Microsoft Teams?You can share any application/screen on your computer while on a meeting. Here is a quick video.
Can I show a whiteboard while I am on a lecture on Microsoft Teams?Yes. You have a common whiteboard where you can write/draw anything on it for the students. Here is a quick video.
Can students see me while I am lecturing?If you have a camera on your computer/mobile/tablet, then yes, they can see you. At the start of a meeting, you can decide whether you want to be seen or not.
Can I see students while I am lecturing?Students can choose whether they want to be seen or not.
Can students ask for questions during lecture?Yes. There is a feature called raise hands, which allows students to ask questions. You can select a student that raised their hands, and you can hear/see them at that time.
Can I mute students while in a lecture?Yes. When at a meeting, there is a feature to mute all students. Here is a quick video.
What is the difference between “hang up” and “end the session” tabs? If you end the session, then you the meeting is ended, and no one can continue the meeting. If you hang up, then the meeting will go on, but you would not be in the meeting anymore.

Other Questions

How Can I Help? Be ready by completing the checklist . Contact the ERT team with your problems, let's solve them before August . Encourage other colleagues and help them complete the checklist.
What if I need help? What if I have a suggestion?

Please contact us regarding your questions or suggestions.

What about final exams?Due to significant privacy and security issues associated with proctoring online exams, we recommend focusing on delivering content to the students until guidance is received from KU administration. Consider substituting exams with other course activities and help students that want to learn. Please exercise compassion and give students the benefit of the doubt, they are also anxious from the uncertainties of these times.