Applied Microeconomics (502)

Required Files

Please download the following files to perform the AoL assessment in your ECON 504 class:

Method Rubric Excel File Version
Note How to perform
the assessment
Detailed AOL
Assessment Items
File to Record
Assessment results
Oral Evaluate a Student
Oral Rubric Oral Results f21
Written Evaluate a Student
Written Rubric Written Results f21


  • Use the rubric to evaluate your student assignments and projects then record the result in the excel results file.
  • Remember AoL assessments are to evaluate the program and help us improve it, there are no minimum requirements or scores that students should achieve. The process should reflect reality as much as possible to help uncover challenges that need to be addressed by faculty as a group.
  • Students should not self or peer evaluate, only the course instructor or TA can perform the AoL assessment
  • Once results are recorded, please email them to the CMU.
  • You can use a different grading scheme in your class for student project, but the assessments sent to CMU must use these standardized rubrics.
  • Faculty can choose to grade the assessment projects differently for the course. However, results sent to the CMU must follow the standardized rubrics.
  • There is no requirement to let students know that the their project is used for AoL assessment.

For Oral Presentations

  1. Can be individual or group based. For group presentations all group members should participate in the presentation so they can be assessed.

For Written report

  1. Must be individual based
  2. Students should be required to submit a professionally typed report utilizing APA or ML style formatting